Three Mobile - "Iphone 5s"
Three Mobile - "Samsung"
Three Mobile - "Huawei"
Three Mobile - "Unlimited Music"
Three Mobile - "€100 off"
[Project Details]
"Three" - Campaigns. These spots were created for Irish branch of the mobile carrier network "Three" to promote their phone offers. The brief was to create an environment like a museum based on the company logo in which all the phones would inhabit. Each ad sees a different part of the museum revealed along with their phone offer. I was tasked with designing and building the entire space under the direction of Gavin Kelly. It was great fun desiging this Zaha Hadid inspired architectural space. For these spots I did the modelling, lighting and rendering. 


Creative Direction & Design: Gavin Kelly

Producer:  Aileen Heavey

Design & 3D: Cormac Kelly

Additional 3D: Sebastian Sterling

Flame: Arron Inglis

Agency: Boys and Girls

Creative Director: Rory Hamilton

Agency Producer: Derek Doyle

Sound: Raygun

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