
The machinery of the subconscious seems to arrive at a decision before you do. Those reptilian instincts can assert themselves no matter what angle you prod them from.
Whatever the driving force behind this, it seems to manifest symbolically if you travel deep enough into you own mind and try wade past the noise. Our dreams and memories flutter by in mostly recognizable ways but it you go deep enough, it can get a bit weird. This is my attempt to conceptualize photography of cognition, or "Cognitogrpahy".

[Project Details]
I've sat on this little project for a while. I started with a very distinct idea of what this should look, sound and feel like but it was a bit of journey to get anywhere close. 
Trying to translate such abstract ideas is tricky. A bit like telling someone about a dream..."you had to be there!".
This is essentially a crude sketch of a single thought from the absolute mad house that is the human psyche before it gets filtered and distilled into something more recognizable and ready for prime time. It's more feeling than thought.
On the tech side, this started out in Maya then wheeled over to C4D to continue on iterating and refining then rendered with Redshift at 50fps.
The sound on this is an ongoing journey and I'm not sure I'll ever capture exactly what I have in mind, so here is the latest version, a pinball machine on mushrooms!

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